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Exciting Updates to Timed Auction Solution

Discover new features like live streaming and real-time notifications.

Over the past 18 months, Auctions Live has seen an impressive 556% increase in the use of our Timed Auction Solution, delivering exceptional results across the board. To continue this momentum, we’ve invested significantly in enhancing our platform to better serve real estate agencies and purchasers.

With our latest update, agents and auctioneers can now leverage powerful new features during Timed Auctions:

Live Stream Scheduling

Auctioneers can now schedule a live stream for the final minutes of a timed auction. This allows them to jump online and conclude the auction in real-time, with bidders able to watch the process directly through the new and improved Bid Buy - Auctions Live App.

Instant Push Notifications

Agent, Auctioneer, and Bidder engagement is now enhanced with real-time push and email notifications. Bidders will receive instant updates on all key actions, including auction start and end times, external bids, and more. All users have the ability to opt-out at any time by visiting their notification settings.

Discover the enhanced capabilities of our Timed Auction Solution and see how it can elevate your next listing.

Posted 3 months ago

Advanced Digital Auction Solutions

For Real Estate Agencies, Auction Houses and Independent Auctioneers